Friday, September 26, 2008

Flash and other presentation software

The Way of the FLASH (AKA: Flash and other Presentation Software)

Potential Flash Convert: “So here’s the deal, I have this killer idea for a presentation but PowerPoint just isn’t meeting my needs. I want to easily include animations, embed it in my awesome personal website and let other people link to it so I participate more fully in the internet community!”

Flash Master: “Have you ever thought about using Flash to present your ideas.
Flash has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages; Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, and various web page components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications.


Flash Wikipedia
A very useful and detailed look at the many evolutions of flash players and author software.
CIN Rating: 8 great article!!
CIN Rating: 7"What is shockwave Flash, Why is it often smarter than applets or GIF's? What do I need to be able to create my own flash movies?"

Flash Magazine - your one stop shop for everything Flash.
CIN = 9 (R-7 this would be a little over the head of a beginner)

Adobe Captive
The most useful and comprehensive presentation software comes from Adobe, anything you make with Adobe looks professional. Down sides are that it costs as much as a professional.
CIN Rating: 7 (is actually more simular to Flash than anything else - thanks Stu!)

Potential Flash Convert: “Oh great master how do I learn the way of Flash?”

Flash Master: “Try and online tutorial of course!”

Flash Tutorial - introduces you to the basic functions of Flash and how to use them.
CIN = 9

Flash Tutorial
A helpful comprehensive tutorial on using Flash author software.
CIN Rating: 8 Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag syntax
CIN=3 (R-7 a bit more advanced but very useful) easy-to-follow site which describes the many different features of Viewlet, including ViewletBuilder where one can create a professional Flash presentation with ease. Or my favourite, ViewletQuiz3. ViewletQuiz3 allows one to develop high-quality Flash based quizzes and surveys. Unfortunately, these great softwares are ONLY compatible with Macs!!
CIN Rating: 7"Introductions, overviews, new user FAQ's, and quick start guides to help the complete beginner become familiar with Flash concepts and the interface."
CIN=7 (R-6) site is about camera settings - flash player.

Potential Flash Convert: “But Master, I’ve heard so many things in this world that lead away from Flash. How do I know if Flash is the true way?

Flash Master: ”You must search within your heart (and on the internet – see links below) for what is true.”

FLASH RELATED LINKS: - reviews the features of 10 options for presentations including PowerPoint and Flash. A good site because the comments at the end elaborate on what the article may have missed!
CIN = 9

What is Flash, when and why to use it? - this article outlines the pros and cons of using Flash instead of HTML in website design.
CIN = 7


Computers in the Arts Blog Coordinator said...

Good point perhaps make a new post on Presentation software with a like to Power point and a link to flash and then these posts.

Liebschen said...

Viv, I really liked the way you did your post, telling a story..I think it's pretty cool. I agree with all the ratings. A very good post.

Stu said...

I agree with some of your revisions. However, I do not agree that the "OTHER" should be included in the PowerPoint post because they are not PowerPoint. They are not supposed to mimic flash, they are only supposed to be other presentation software which fits the category of "Flash and Other Presentation Software". Also Adobe Captive is nothing at all like PowerPoint, it's is much closer to Flash.

Alphatery Omicron said...

That was a good post. I especially likedthe potential flash convert - flash master dialogue worked in there. Lots of good websites there.

djdanjohnson said...

I agree with Liebschen!! Great idea telling a story. Makes the post more entertaining. Good for you!!


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