Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Technology in 1939

Technology 1939


Mennonites in Canada By Frank H. Epp, T. D. Regehr – Mennonite communities came to tolerate radio in the home in a large part because of radio evangelists
CIN = 9
The final year of the 1930s was still part of the "Golden Age of Radio." According to Radio Today magazine, there were now 44 million radios in use in the United States. cin = 7
1939 Radio Murder is a re-enactment of an old time radio broadcast complete with commercials and soap operas! Perfect for senior groups cin = 3

CBC Radio in 1939
major milestones CIN = 3


Charles O. Baptista - he had produced his first short film, The Story of a Fountain Pen (1939), based on a sermon he had given to the Sunday school children of the church he attended, Winnetka Bible Church. It was an object lesson paralleling Christian life to a fountain pen and while crude, it was a hopeful indication of the evangelical work he was to continue in the future. As Baptista said himself of the film: Although mediocre, it was the first clear indication from the Lord that we could put the Gospel on film (Baptista 22). During the next 3 years Baptista's interest in distributing others' films waned, as the production and distribution of his own grew. This culminated in the creation of the Scriptures Visualized Institute in 1942, Baptista's production company, with headquarters at the Huron St. address.
CIN = 9

A History of Christian Film - Illinois businessman Charles Octavia Baptista produced his first film in 1939, a five-minute object lesson titled "Story of a Fountain Pen." In 1942 Baptista formed the Scriptures Visualized Institute, later renamed the Baptista Film Mission. Baptista refused to hire non-Christians to work on his productions and may have based this business practice on II Cor. 6:14. ["Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership have right living and right standing with God with iniquity and lawlessness? Or how can light have fellowship with darkness?"]
CIN = 9
Movie historians and film buffs often look back on the year 1939 as "the greatest year in film history". Hollywood was at the height of its Golden Age, and this particular year saw the release of an unusually large number of exceptional movies. cin = 7


The Dixie Hummingbirds - a gospel institution celebrating their 75th anniversary. Isaac Hayes has put it most eloquently. A discography that includes songs released on a 78 RPM LP record.
CIN = 6

John Vincent Atanasoff conceived basic design principles for the first electronic-digital computer in the winter of 1937 and, assisted by his graduate student, Clifford E. Berry, constructed a prototype here in October 1939. It used binary numbers, direct logic for calculation, and a regenerative memory. It embodied concepts that would be central to the future development of computers. cin = 7
Timeline of Computer History cin = 7

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Composite post on History of Technology in the Arts

The history of Technology in the Arts is almost Synonymous with the history of technology....


Rennaisance Community Church interview with Kim Fast - see history section on class hard drive

History of the Personal Computer - 1947 to 2007 (1980s herald the period of the practical use of a personal computer)
CIN = 9

Technology News - an interview with Tom Ferguson which includes a look at historical Church contribution to technology and its development. CIN = 7

History of Computers - computers for use in the church didn't become feasible until the late 1980s.
CIN = 7

A Short History of Technology - a book that looks at technology from early man to 1900CE
CIN = 5 (full text isn't accesible)

Church History and the Computer - This article describes the Pope John XXIII project whose aim is to produce a computer-aided index of all the Pope's writings in both Italian and Latin; as well as future projects currently under consideration. CIN = 5 (full textnot available)


Multimedia histories : from the magic lantern to the internet / edited by James Lyons and John Plunkett. (PN 1993.5 A1 M85 2007) - the first book to explore in detail the vital connections between today's digital culture and an absorbing history of screen entertainments and technologies. It moves from the magic lantern, the stereoscope and early film to the DVD and the Internet.

Multimedia History - This chronology explores the origins and evolution of the components that comprise modern-day multimedia. CIN = 7

Multimedia: from Wagner to virtual reality - This Website is the interactive companion to the book of the same title, Multimedia: From Wagner to Virtual Reality. A unique collection of seminal essays, the print edition traces a fertile series of collaborations between the arts and the sciences, going back to the years just after World War II – and even further, to composer Richard Wagner, whose ideas about the immersive nature of music theater foreshadowed the experience of virtual reality. CIN = 6

History of the Overhead Projector - The overhead projector facilitates an easy low-cost interactive environment CIN = 5 Technology in the ancient, from the middle ages to 1750, the industrial revolution...the 20th century.cin=5 The philosophy of technology does not have a clear beginning. However, modern philosophers and historians frequently point to the rationalists and empiricists of the early 17th century as a source of thought which began to combine philosophy and science in new ways.cin=5 The Sound Recording Technology History Site explores the history and impact of the inventions that changed the way we listen. cin=5 Quite a few books on History of Technology......check it out!!!!!! cin=3

visual media technology in Christian worship A THESIS Submitted to Michigan State University. It covers history of VMT in worship from 1910 to 2000 and so much more. I found it interesting.cin=3

Friday, November 28, 2008

Personal Philosopy on the use of Technology


Habits of the High Tech Heart Chapter 1 pg. 26Habits of the High Tech Heart Chapter 2 pg. 59

Chapters 4-6 (Habits of the High Tech Heart) book report blogpost.

Response to Chapters 1-3 (Habits of the High Tech Heart): Book Report Blog PostCIN = 9
Blending Technology and Worship.In his new book High-Tech Worship? Quentin Schultzeuses the example to symbolize the fact that technology and God sometimes compete for attention in worship. The same technologies that can enhance worship can detract from it -- and not always so obviously.cin = 5 is where readers can be equipped to think biblically about the social and theological issues that shape our world. cin = 5
community, with a student directed, highly relational instructional philosophy. ... Learn about song writing, arranging, orchestration, worship technology and conducting. cin = 3


Copyright, Piracy and Personal Ethics
one persons view on how we should address the issue of internet piracy.CIN = 7

University of Alberta Campus Computing Conditions of
Use – the code for personal use of computers on the school network.CIN = 7

Americans Think Downloading Music is OK
an article on the author’s personal philosophy towards downloading music.CIN = 5

KEEPING YOUR CHILD SAFE ON THE INTERNET – a Q&A website about how a parent’s personal philosophy towards child raising may affect children’s internet useCIN = 2

Your thoughts on file-sharing today... – a forum for discussion on one’s personal philosophy towards file sharingCIN = 2

the direct (and only result) of a good search [“personal philosophy” “computing and the arts”
CIN = 1


Criteria for Evaluating Use of Information Technology in K-12 Education
a teacher’s personal philosophy towards computing in educationCIN = 5
Teaching with Technology Philosophy Statement cin1

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Comprehensive Post on Presentation Software

Powerpoint is one of the most popular presentation programs on the market and is comparitively easy to use. However, if you want a bit more control over your creative product Flash may be a beter option.

If these don't do it for you then there are some other options available as well:
A great site which gives both newbies and veterans of Java insight on some tips of Java
CIN Rating: 8
It looks useful, but it being wikipedia (where anybody can post!!) it is difficult to trust it!
CIN Rating: 7

SlideRocket -
A great instructional site on the newest presentation software that is sweeping the nation:
CIN Rating: 8

iWork -
A complete overview of the Mac presentation program known as iWork.
CIN Rating: 7

Top Ten Presentation Software -
A different approach to presentations. This site helps you to stream your presentation online or broadcast for viewers to see around the world.
CIN Rating: 6

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Digital Photography Composite Blog

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ON DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY you need to know about digital photography, plus all the hidden stuff that the London Drugs saleslady neglected to mention!CIN Rating: 9
Digital Photography 101 - an introduction to the basics of digital photography.CIN = 6

Digital Photography Reviews, News, Pics, Tips & Tutorials.
CIN Rating: 8
Digital Photography Tutorial - Learn how to take and edit digital photographs using visual tutorials that emphasize concept over procedure, independent of specific digital camera or lens. Topics range from basic camera tips to advanced techniques.CIN = 7
Digital camera reviews, black and white fine art photography, plus tips on accessories that every digital photographer needs including tripods, light stands, camera bags, and more. CIN Rating: 7 This site dedicated to giving photography tips and tutorials to photographers of all levels. CIN Rating: 7
Digital Photography Tips - Demystifying digital photography! How to choose & use digital cameras and process images with Photoshop for terrific photographs.CIN = 6 on digital photography like how to take better pictures, print better pictures....CIN=6

DIGITAL CAMERAS great site which compares and contrasts between different digital cameras. Very helpful if one is looking to buy the best of the best!!CIN Rating: 8
Top 5 Digital Cameras for Beginners - an overview of the best digital cameras for the beginning photographer.CIN = 7 Focuses on new developments in the camera market, with technique articles and reviews. CIN Rating: 7

Photo-Editing Software Reviews - a consumer report of programs used for editing digital photos.CIN = 9 impressive article on different digital software, such as Adobe PhotoShop, Jasc PaintShop Pro 9, and Wacom's Graphire3 Tablet, plus many other related links that might also be helpfulCIN Rating: 8

The online library of digital photography. Everything from buying a camera to what to do with the photographs you' ve taken.
CIN Rating: 7

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Microsoft Office Home
Offers how-to articles, downloads, templates, clip art, and training.
CIN = 9
Made the jump to a mac but still madly in love (or stuck in a love-hate relationship) with the Microsoft originals? Finding the Mac to be too easy or glitch free? Don't worry all your favourite lag-heavy-slow-down-full-of-glitches Microsoft programs are available on the Mac too. And this is the site to give you all the information on it.
CIN Rating: 8 Great site!! And the opening video is very helpful in learnin how to use Microsoft Office 2008 for Macs CIN Rating: 8 ttp://
Great main site!!
CIN Rating: 8
Great main site!! Quite informative of the Windows Vista product
CIN Rating: 8
Great homepage site!! Quite informative of the Windows XP product!!
CIN Rating: 8
The Future According to Gates
A very interesting article outlining an interview with Microsoft CEO Bill Gates about how he sees the future of the company and technology as a whole. The most entertaining factor of this interview is that it took place in 2004 and in these 4 years since, many of his future endeavors have lost their footing.
CIN Rating: 7
More Future According to Gates
Another very interesting article regarding the future of Microsoft. Gates also discusses the competitive market with such companies as Google and Apple. Though more recent than the former, this article is also a couple of years old but is still interesting to get a sense of Gates' views. CIN Rating: 7
Operating Systems Review -
compares Vista to its competators! Price and features.
CIN = 7
quite a lot of info on microsoft's new suite
Microsoft® Office Live: Take Your Business Online - reviews a tutorial on the Live feature of the Microsoft Office software by Katherine Murray
CIN = 7
Microsoft Office Standard 2007 - a review of the pros and cons of the Microsoft Office software. Very succinct.
CIN = 7
Would We Hate Microsoft If It Were Apple?
A brief but interesting article trying to explain why some people feel the way they do. Though I do not necessarily agree with the opinion presented it is an interesting take as well as several of the comments.
CIN Rating: 6
Why I Hate Microsoft
"A personal, lengthy, but highly articulate outburst"
CIN Rating: 5
Vista Service Pack 1 - the updates put in place to calm the Vista demons that made the operating sytem the target of so much criticism.
CIN = 5

(sorry guys I just had to list it all....was difficult to cut some of it, cause its all good sites!!!or at least to me.)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Flash and other presentation software

The Way of the FLASH (AKA: Flash and other Presentation Software)

Potential Flash Convert: “So here’s the deal, I have this killer idea for a presentation but PowerPoint just isn’t meeting my needs. I want to easily include animations, embed it in my awesome personal website and let other people link to it so I participate more fully in the internet community!”

Flash Master: “Have you ever thought about using Flash to present your ideas.
Flash has become a popular method for adding animation and interactivity to web pages; Flash is commonly used to create animation, advertisements, and various web page components, to integrate video into web pages, and more recently, to develop rich Internet applications.


Flash Wikipedia
A very useful and detailed look at the many evolutions of flash players and author software.
CIN Rating: 8 great article!!
CIN Rating: 7"What is shockwave Flash, Why is it often smarter than applets or GIF's? What do I need to be able to create my own flash movies?"

Flash Magazine - your one stop shop for everything Flash.
CIN = 9 (R-7 this would be a little over the head of a beginner)

Adobe Captive
The most useful and comprehensive presentation software comes from Adobe, anything you make with Adobe looks professional. Down sides are that it costs as much as a professional.
CIN Rating: 7 (is actually more simular to Flash than anything else - thanks Stu!)

Potential Flash Convert: “Oh great master how do I learn the way of Flash?”

Flash Master: “Try and online tutorial of course!”

Flash Tutorial - introduces you to the basic functions of Flash and how to use them.
CIN = 9

Flash Tutorial
A helpful comprehensive tutorial on using Flash author software.
CIN Rating: 8 Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag syntax
CIN=3 (R-7 a bit more advanced but very useful) easy-to-follow site which describes the many different features of Viewlet, including ViewletBuilder where one can create a professional Flash presentation with ease. Or my favourite, ViewletQuiz3. ViewletQuiz3 allows one to develop high-quality Flash based quizzes and surveys. Unfortunately, these great softwares are ONLY compatible with Macs!!
CIN Rating: 7"Introductions, overviews, new user FAQ's, and quick start guides to help the complete beginner become familiar with Flash concepts and the interface."
CIN=7 (R-6) site is about camera settings - flash player.

Potential Flash Convert: “But Master, I’ve heard so many things in this world that lead away from Flash. How do I know if Flash is the true way?

Flash Master: ”You must search within your heart (and on the internet – see links below) for what is true.”

FLASH RELATED LINKS: - reviews the features of 10 options for presentations including PowerPoint and Flash. A good site because the comments at the end elaborate on what the article may have missed!
CIN = 9

What is Flash, when and why to use it? - this article outlines the pros and cons of using Flash instead of HTML in website design.
CIN = 7

Powerpoint is a review on Microsoft's PowerPoint 2008. Quite intriguing and inviting. Very, very good. In fact, almost perfect!!CIN Rating: 9

Technology for Teachers
A turtorial geared less towards kids and more towards teachers. Contains lots of useful information.
CIN Rating: 9 is a review of the various options that are part of Office 2008, including PowerPoint 2008. This is an assessment on MacWorld, and I believe Windows is a better system. Unfortunately, this site is inviting and intriguing and I have to give it a good ratingCIN Rating: 8 (I would put 9, but since it is supporting Macs (boo!), I have to give it a 8) (R2 =9) webpage brilliantly compares PowerPoint 2008 with Keynote '08CIN Rating: 8

Powerpoint 2000 Tutorial fairly thurough tutorial of how to use powerpoint 2000. 8

PowerPoint in the Classroom
A fun and easy tutorial for working with PowerPoint. Geared towards kids but still very useful.
CIN Rating: 7

Microsoft Office Online
Get all the information you need about power point, right from the makers.
CIN Rating: 7

PowerPoint for Mac
Official information of the PowerPoint for Mac program straight from it's creators.
CIN Rating: 7

On-Line Technology Practice Modules of informative material on how to use powerpoint. 7

Microsoft Powerpoint Tutorial Tutorial on powerpoint. 7

Youtube- How NOT to use powerpoint by comedian Don McMillan humorous presentation of the use of powerpoint. 7... it was funny

Powerpoint FAQ List list of Frequently Asked Questions on powerpoint. 7"PowerPoint is a multimedia tool that reaches students with different learning styles. Students learn visual literacy by communicating in this medium. They can also use audio to get a message across. Furthermore, the program has the capability of including video and easily links to the Internet." CIN=9 (R2=7) you need to know on powerpointCIN=7 good site on powerpoint. it covers from its history to promats and even more.CIN=9 (R2=6) - a positive review of the sliderocket platform
CIN = 5 - provides one reviewer's take one alternatives to microsoft's Power PointCIN = 5 think it is pretty cool for beginners like me.CIN=7 (R2=5) is quite a positive review for PowerPoint 2008. Quite informative, but unfortunately it is lacking in the excitement.CIN Rating: 4 review explores the differences between PowerPoint 2008 and its older version. Quite an interesting article. However, the page is very bland and not very eye-catching!!CIN Rating: 4 - an online presentation program that allows you to easily share content over the web (COOL)CIN = 3

PowerPoint is Evil odd take on PowerPoint software. Entertaining but not very useful.CIN Rating: 3 - compares powerpoint 2004 with Keynote 3 (appears to be biased towards keynote)CIN = 3 set of tools-creating powerpoint entationsCIN=5 (R2=3) - how to turn a powerpoint presentation into a websiteCIN = 4 (R2=2)

Composite post on scanning by Dan

This site offers news, reviews and other info on scanners.
CIN Rating: 8 (took A LONG time to load!! Once I saw it, I liked what I saw!!)

A simple yet detailed look at scanning and some tips to make it easier.
CIN Rating: 8 (great site. Very interesting)

This is an online book by Herbert Zettl, which describes the various scanning systems including interlaced and progressive scanning. Very good. My only complaint is that its WAY too long!! (36 pgs.)
CIN Rating: 7

A simple yet detailed look at scanning and some tips to make it easier.
CIN Rating: 7

A detailed look at comparing the different models of the newest revolution in scanners, the Fujitsu ScanSnap
CIN Rating: 7

Denver- The title suggests, his website gives tutorials on scanning.
CIN Rating: 7 (Great tutorial!! Very useful!)

More reviews on scanners.
CIN Rating: 7 (Great review site!! I would definately find this site useful if I were wanting to compare scanners before buying!!)

Lots of background information on scanners.
CIN Rating: 7 (Great article! But like I keep saying, it being wikipedia it is hard to trust it since anybody can post anything!!)

The origin of the software that allows you to edit scanned text! (Great article! But like I keep saying it being wikipedia it is hard to trust it since anybody can post anything!!)
CIN Rating: 7

Liebschen- tutorials tutorials for image and document scanning.
CIN Rating: 7 (R2= 6)

Vivian- -
a blog dedicated to how to scan photos...
CIN Rating: 7 (R2= 6)
VERY basic directions on how to use a scanner.
CIN Rating: 6 (WOW! Those are basic instructions!!)

Liebschen- scanning software
instructions how to get the most from your scanner
CIN Rating: 5 (R2= 6)

A very helpful step-by-step instructional video on how to use the Goonfleet Scanning System
CIN Rating: 8 R2= 6 (only focuses on one kind of scanner)

Vivian- - FAQ on different scanning issues from (a good place to start)
CIN Rating- 6 (helpful!!)

Liebschen- on scanners
CIN Rating: 5


How to turn your scanner into a digital camera
CIN Rating: 5

Stu- Wiley InterScience Journals: Scanning
A special issue of the scientific journal looking exclusively at scanning.
CIN Rating: 5 (R2= 4 cuz there was an error on the page and was unable to view it)

This site is similar to Amazon but it is dedicated to the Datalogic Scanning System, the recognized worldwide leader of POS Scanners
CIN Rating: 3

Liebschen- Web2.0 Scanning Complexities
article discuss challenges more on site.
CIN Rating: 1 (R2= 3)

Liebschen- if you want to buy is the site for you...
Shop for and buy the best Computers Scanners, Bar Code Scanner, HP Scanners, Photo Scanner at; your source for the best computer scanner
CIN Rating: 3

This site mentions and describes The Access Copyright Scanning System. Unfortunately, this is pretty unhelpful if someone is looking on how to use a scanner.
CIN Rating: 3 (R2=2)

A social network where one can scan and upload numerous pictures. This site looks like it has potential, but you need special access to view this site.
CIN Rating: 2 (since you need special access to view this site)

A scanner sings 'ode to joy'!
CIN = undecided (it's funny but not informative so i guess it's a 1) (SO AWESOME!!! :D)

A 1981 horror movie directed by David Cronberg. It is completely irrelevant to the topic. This is a reminder to review your search results because they could have nothing to do with what you are looking for.
CIN Rating: 0

Friday, September 12, 2008

Other Internet Technologies

Home videos make your memories last forever. Now you can share those memories with friends and family using a variety of different websites. Check it out! - reviews several video sharing sites including vimeo, eyespot, and blogspot.
CIN = 7

Ever wondered what an RSS Feed is? Click Here
Keep the world updated! The link below helps you set up an RSS feed. - explains what an rss feed is and common mistakes made when trying to set one up.
CIN = 3

Internet Social Networking

A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

In our increasingly global community social networking goes far beyond simply sharing blogs. Photos, video, and personal profiles dominate the social networking culture of today's youth.

Though a useful tool, there are a few things to keep in mind when acessing a social networking site.
Social Networking 101

Some Social Networking Sites:

Facebook Review
This website reviews one of the most popular social network websites.
CIN Rating: 7

Habbo Review
This website reviews a not so popular social network website.
CIN Rating: 7

Edited by Factsnet Blog Coordinator.


Netscape...Internet Explorer...Mozilla...Maxathon...Safari...Google Chrome...

When it comes to choosing an internet browser it may seem as overwhelming as trying to order a "double espresso extra hot soy venti latte with no foam and light whip" at Starbucks!

Never fear! The links below make choosing a browser easy.

Top Ten Reviews - allows you to quantitatively compare internet browsers on features, speed, security, technical help, and supported configurations.
CIN = 9

PC World - Browser Wars This site gives reviews on pretty much everything computer related but this page is on internet browsers.
CIN = 8 ... 'cause it was written in a less serious way

Browser Review
This site offers reviews of internet browsers.
CIN = 7


This is a blog and you can too...
Below is a great article on blogging followed how to get started as a blogger and reviews of specific blog sites! (The links have been organized in order of information value by catergory)

Opinion columnists may not have views any better than your own, but they have one thing you probably don't—an audience. Fortunately, you don't have to convince J. Jonah Jameson to hire you. A blog can help you disseminate your views, and a hosted blog service can help you get started cheaply and easily. You can write about politics, gardening, your cats—anything you like. Depending on the service, you can post to your blog by browser, e-mail, or even phone. Enthusiastic bloggers can post breaking news before Peter Parker makes the scene.

Blogs are everywhere. Doonesbury's Zipper Harris is a blogger. Howard Dean tracks his presidential campaign in a blog ( Dan Bricklin, father of the electronic spreadsheet, shares his thoughts in a blog at
For every celebrity blog, thousands are maintained by ordinary people.

Launching a blog is about the simplest way to create a personal Web site. Once you've configured your blog's appearance and characteristic options, you simply start posting. The blog software organizes your posts with the newest at the top and a calendar linking to older posts. You can keep the whole thing private, like an old-fashioned diary, or let a few trusted friends view it. But for most bloggers, the challenge is to attract as many readers as possible, and they let in anyone who stumbles upon their blogs...

Continue reading at:,4149,1403731,00.asp
Blog Tools is an article written for explaining how simple blogging really is.
CIN Rating: 3

How do I get started?

Blog Basics
A simple website designed to help users find which blog is right for them and how to use each blog site or software program.
CIN Rating: 7

This site is designed to give tips and pointers to bloggers and people who want to become bloggers.
CIN Rating: 7

Blog Comparison Chart
This website has a great comparison chart that highlights the pros and cons of various different blogging software and websites.
CIN Rating: 7

Some Popular Blog Sites!

This site gives ratings and descriptions of many different aspects of the MySpace website.
CIN Rating: 7

This site gives ratings and descriptions of many different aspects of the Xanga website.
CIN Rating: 7

This site gives ratings and descriptions of many different aspects of the Blogger website.
CIN Rating: 7

Windows Live Spaces
This site gives ratings and descriptions of many different aspects of the Windows Live Spaces website.
CIN Rating: 7

This site gives ratings and descriptions of many different aspects of the WordPress website.
CIN Rating: 7

Yahoo 360
This review has an excellent description of what Yahoo 360 is. Very helpful!!
CIN Rating: 7

This review is very interesting because it compares TypePad with a list of other top sites. Very helpful!!
CIN Rating: 7

This review has an excellent description of what LiveJournal is, and also gives some ideas of what would be helpful in creating your first CSS. Although, it was somewhat strange when it noted how TypePad is better for stats and such!!
CIN Rating: 5

AOL Journal

This review is good, but unfortunately not as helpful as the others on this site.
CIN Rating: 3


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